Why Watching Game Video Matters

At this point of the season most teams are in their conference play. It’s been 10-12-14 weeks of basketball, and players are feeling the grind and attrition is always a concern. Maintaining routines like stretching and drill work help keep a rhythm and health benefit but there’s another way, perhaps under-rated, that can improve your team and player performance.

Of course most elite and competitive teams watch some form of film, but how many are taking a full day off from the basketball court for team film session? We do this with my team almost out of necessity as gym space sometimes can be difficult, even in a big city like San Francisco. On those days, we’ll do a 90-minute video session, and the health and basketball IQ benefits are considerable.

First, the bonding is important. Second, get some snacks! Players always like to eat. Most importantly, have a plan. Dedicate, for example, 20-minutes to the previous game, then add some scouting time and stay on schedule. From there we go to a highlight reel, and then a blooper reel. I find it may be tough for some guys to laugh at themselves, but when the whole room is cracking up and having fun, they don’t have a choice:)

Finish on a positive note, and the team walks out illuminated, refreshed and with a can-do mentality. In the middle of a season, a film session can provide a welcome respite and better understanding of team goals.

Coach Bill and I consider watching video an essential part of the team experience and we hope you and your team benefit from the Hoopsalytics Film Room options and capability.

-Coach Mike


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