
Category: Stats

  • Example of a leaderboard
    Leaderboards for Basketball Leagues

    Beside individual teams, Hoopsalytics has been providing top-level stats and analytics to various multi-team leagues. And if you’re running a league, your participants will love to have leaderboards showing which players excel in points, assists, rebounds and other categories. Leaderboards can be accessed by anyone with a login to the league Hoopsalytics account, or by […]

  • Affordable Stats and Analytics for AAU Club Teams

    Every spring in the USA, the most motivated players (and families) participate in AAU Club teams. Many of these players have ambitions to play beyond high school, and having the best video-linked stats and analytics is a great way to improve, as well as share with scouts and coaches. And you can easily make highlight […]

  • Basketball score and margin graph for St. Johns vs Connecticut
    St. John’s v. UConn. What Happened?

    On Saturday, February 3, 2024, the St. John’s MBB team had #1 UConn right where they wanted: up a point with 13 minutes left in the game, on their home away from home court, Madison Square Garden. The Garden crowd was rocking like it was 1985, when the Big East ruled supreme. But what happened? […]

  • Coaching Stats & Player Impact on Plays and Sets

    As a coach, I’m always trying to determine which plays and sets are working, and how to place my players in sets and actions that are best suited for their skills. Many coaches rely on the “eye test”, or assumptions about a player’s ability, but having analytics to back up or challenge your perceptions of […]

  • HUDL Assist Alternative for Basketball

    Many of the basketball coaches we talk to aren’t satisfied with HUDL Assist, and are looking for an alternative. If you’re one of those coaches, we invite you to learn more about Hoopsalytics. In short, Hoopsalytics is a more affordable, more powerful, and easier-to-use system. Here are some of the questions we get asked: How […]

  • Basketball game visualization
    Basketball Game Visualizations – Event Timelines

    After every game, us coaches will have a period of self-reflection where we think about what went right, and what went wrong. Having a good visualization of key events tells a compelling story, and can help you make better-informed decisions for future games. The Game Summary tool in Hoopsalytics offers you some compelling ways to […]

  • TS% and why it matters

    True Shooting percentage (TS%) is an advanced statistic that measures a player’s efficiency at shooting the ball. It is intended to more accurately calculate a player’s shooting than field goal percentage, free throw percentage, and three-point field goal percentage taken individually. Two- and three-point field goals and free throws are all considered in its calculation, […]

  • All About the Basketball Usage Rate

    You may have seen “Usage Rate” as one of the stats the NBA provides. It shows the overall impact of a player, i.e. how often a player contributes to the outcome of a play. Dominant players like Joel Embiid often have high Usage Rates. This article will explain what Usage Rate is, and how Hoopsalytics […]

  • How to Create Custom Basketball Stats and Views

    Hoopsalytics makes it easy to create your own custom basketball stats and box score layouts. You can add and remove data, and also change the order in which stats appear. It’s easy to modify the existing Offense, Defense and Key Stats “views”, and create any number of new views. In the example below, I’ve created […]

  • Shot charts with fouled attempts
    Shot Charts with Fouled Attempts

    A couple of our customers asked about tracking shots that resulted in a shooting foul. This is a part of Hoopsalytics now – both for measuring and in our shot charts. It should have been obvious to us on our initial design, but this is just one of the great ideas we’ve received from the […]