Tracking Fast Break Effectiveness

Many coaches like to play fast since transition sets are almost always more productive than half-court sets. From our tracking, this is true at both the high school and college level. You can use Hoopsalytics to measure the effectiveness of your fast break attack, and further break it down to transitions off of turnovers, rebounds, made baskets and press breaks.

For example, the 2021-2 San Francisco Dons D1 team scored 1.27 points in transition (1.23 off of rebounds), versus 1.16 from their set offense.

For my high school team from last year, I used the Hoopsalytics Coaching Stats to see these breakdowns for different set types. The snapshot below is from our opponents.

Our opponents were also much more efficient, looking at just fast breaks from rebounds:

How to Track Fast Breaks

To track fast break stats when scoring a game, just click the “Transition” button for the “Offensive Team Set” at any time when a fast break occurs.



From there, any results of that fast break will appear as an offensive set detail in the Coaching Stats, as you can see in the examples above.

That’s all you have to do! Hoopsalytics categorizes these transitions types automatically for you.

Note: If a fast break transition stalls and turns into a set offense, then you would click Set Offense, and there would be “no outcome” for that transition.

Now go ahead and try it yourself. If you’re not already on the platform, Hoopsalytics has a free one-game demo you can use to try this for your own team.  Sign up for a free trial, and check it out!

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