
Category: Analytics

  • Coach Bill with the SC Vasco de Gama coaching staff
    European Basketball Analytics – Case Study

    While traveling in Portugal, I was afforded the pleasure of meeting one of our European clients in Porto: SC Vasco de Gama. Nuno Martinez coaches the U18 club team, and he was gracious enough to spend some time with me talking about how they use the analytics Hoopsalytics provides, and letting me watch a practice. […]

  • Small Advantage Big Advantage

    Multiple-game statistics tell a more complete story of how players are performing. Defenses vary, match-ups change, but by the third game of scoring your team and from then on, patterns, truths and teaching points are revealed. The Small Advantage / Big Advantage (SABA) idea is based on using an offensive action to create a small […]

  • All About the Basketball Usage Rate

    You may have seen “Usage Rate” as one of the stats the NBA provides. It shows the overall impact of a player, i.e. how often a player contributes to the outcome of a play. Dominant players like Joel Embiid often have high Usage Rates. This article will explain what Usage Rate is, and how Hoopsalytics […]

  • interactive basketball shot chart example
    Interactive Basketball Shot Charts – Next Level Analytics

    Basketball Shot Charts are a very useful way to visualize the various scoring opportunities for you or your opponents. But compared to what they could be, traditional Shot Charts lack some very valuable information. At Hoopsalytics, we’ve created a better Shot Chart system that can uncover more valuable insights for basketball coaches, as well as […]

  • Tracking Fast Break Effectiveness

    Many coaches like to play fast since transition sets are almost always more productive than half-court sets. From our tracking, this is true at both the high school and college level. You can use Hoopsalytics to measure the effectiveness of your fast break attack, and further break it down to transitions off of turnovers, rebounds, […]

  • player impact reportsample
    Player Impact Analytics

    Basketball is a team game, yet most stats focus on the individual player, rather than that player’s impact on the entire team’s performance. In addition, many coaches want to gauge chemistry – which groups of two or three players generate the best outcome for the team. With Hoopsalytics, we’ve introduced a Player Impact analysis. This […]

  • Shot charts with fouled attempts
    Shot Charts with Fouled Attempts

    A couple of our customers asked about tracking shots that resulted in a shooting foul. This is a part of Hoopsalytics now – both for measuring and in our shot charts. It should have been obvious to us on our initial design, but this is just one of the great ideas we’ve received from the […]

  • basketba;; shot analysis tool
    Insanely Customizable Basketball Analytics

    As we’re getting more and more top-level coaches to join Hoopsalytics, we continue to get great suggestions on how to make our customizable basketball analytics tool even more useful. One of the recurrent themes we’ve heard is the need for making it easy to track and measure custom events and actions, and to that end […]

  • basketball practice stats
    Stats and Analytics for Basketball Practices

    Some of our coaches have requested the ability to use the stats and analytics available in Hoopsalytics to measure player performance in basketball practices as well. Hoopsalytics can be used to score practices in a similar way to games, while also keeping the game stats and practice stats separated. The above image is an example […]

  • Implementing Hustle Stats

    One of the modern visionaries of using Moneyball style analytics is coach Kyle Smith of Washington State. For many years, he has been using a weighted scoring system to motivate and track player performance. They call it “Hustle Stats”. His system is very similar to what you can do with Hoopsalytics, but for a lot […]