Measuring Which Basketball Players are the Most Engaged

Actions speak louder than words, especially when it comes to see who is putting forth the most effort to get better on your team. You can see who is hustling most in practice, but what about off the court? Which players are the most motivated to learn? Hoopsalytics has a way to measure that.

From your People page (Account, People) you can see everyone in your program, when they last visited Hoopsalytics, and how many pages they viewed in the last day and week. Clicking on a column header sorts the list by date, or page views:


From here, click on a player or coach name, and you can see details on their activity:



  1. When adding players, parents or coaches to your program, use their email or cell phone as a unique login. You can make passwords optional to make it really easy for everyone to see stats and linked game video.
  2. If you share with everyone the shortcut, this goes directly to the login page. Eliminates a lot of possible confusion.

One more interesting thing: You can also see what pages a particular player or parent is looking at. Sometimes players look at other player’s stats pages, which can be an interesting look into the social dynamics of your team. For example, is a ball-dominant player causing resentment amongst the other players? This could be one way to find out.

If you find this useful, or have other ideas on measuring player engagement, we want to hear from you!

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