
The playoffs have started and there is no other best way to gauge the success of your competitiveness this season than how far you go in the post-season.  Our Boy’s Varsity team has been in the gym since September, playing together and against each other so much that the payoff has to happen.  And now is the time.  Of course, every team feels that way – when they’ve put in the work – and that’s what makes it fun.

Our squad begins with a 4-team conference playoff against long-time rivals.  Each team knows each other’s play’s, tendencies and personnel on a first-name basis.  In our post-practice coaches meeting our Varsity coach called out stats comparing the two teams:  fg%, eFG%, Points in Transition, Turnovers, Rebounds, +/- of each player, shot charts …  the details are so helpful to understand your team’s strength’s and weaknesses and coach the team up to the analytics.  Hoopsalytics can do all that and more.

The venue tonight is a legendary gym that has seen the best of City hoops for the last 98 years.  The pressure will be on the players and the crowd will be revved up.  It’s high school basketball at its finest and it is just going to be great.

Good luck to all High School coaches, especially our Hoopsalytics coaches!, this playoff season.



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Category: Coach's Diary