Player Impact Analytics for Measuring Defense

If you’re not looking at how an individual player affects TEAM stats, you’re missing out on some valuable information to make the best informed coaching decisions. Hoopsalytics’ Player Impact reporting now offers more data related to how each player affects overall team defense.  New are Defensive Turnover %, Defensive 2 Pt %, and Defensive 3 Pt %.

Here are some real-life examples on how we use these metrics to make our own teams better.

In the Player Impact example above, #24 had the highest impact on opponent’s 2 Pt %, and the lowest impact on 3 Pt %.  (Green shows a positive impact, and red shows a negative impact.)  Our staff can look at video for #24, and may see that he helps a lot on the drives, but then leaves his assignment open for three point attempts. Perhaps he is over-helping, or giving strong-side help when we emphasize weak-side help. This analytic gives us coaches insight to explore further for this player.

Here’s one more example from my most recent team. Chloe had the best defensive points-per-possession (PPP) on the team, despite being one of our slower players. She was on the taller side however.  Looking at her defensive 2 Pt impact, we can see why she was effective, as she disrupted a lot of shots due to her height and proper positioning.

If you’re still using a traditional stats package, you’re missing out on a lot of great insights that can help you make better informed coaching and lineup decisions. Not only is Hoopsalytics less expensive than the alternatives, but there are many different analytical tools in Hoopsalytics that no other package has. These will help you win more games and make for better, smarter players (and coaches).

If you’re not yet on board with Hoopsalytics, you can learn more as follows:

We are basketball coaches, not venture capitalists, and our mission is to help make smart coaches smarter. Come join the hundreds of other coaches using Hoopsalytics to realize the full potential of their players and team.

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