How to Limit Player Access to Stats

With the wealth of basketball analytical information available in Hoopsalytics, some coaches are cautious about what to give their players access to. Hoopsalytics has a couple of ways to let coaches and administrators hide certain reports from players and parents, and also create stats views that only coaches can see. Here’s how this works:
From Account -> Settings, you can select which main reports to hide from players, like so:
In the example above, Coaching Stats and Custom Weighted Stats only appear for Coaches and Admins, and not for Players or Parents. This is program-wide, so setting these options will apply to all teams.
In addition, with the custom views available in Player Stats and Practice Stats, you can hide specific views from players. Here’s how:
1. Click the Customize Stats cog when viewing stats, like so:
The Customize View screen appears, where you can show or hide individual stats and reorder them. If you want this view to be hidden from your players, click the checkbox shown here:
For example, you could create a coaches-only view that has playing time and other metrics that you want to keep hidden from players and parents.
This is yet another way that Hoopsalytics leads all other comparable basketball stats and analytics systems.