Building an Analytical Profile

Basketball is a global game that incorporates terminology and actions from around the world, from Spain to the Carolina Break to Chicago.

The one common denominator is the math. Coach Bill and I like to point out that statistics and analytics are the unbiased assistant coach.

Using the Hoopsalytics platform, a high school or college player can build an Analytical Profile, highlighting specific stats and analytics that would appeal to a college or pro coach, to separate the player from the competition.

As a coach, if I had a roster that included and developed great shooters, I may go five-out, drive-and-kick and work to get a 50/50 rate of 3’s and at-the-rim 2’s (within 5ft.). With a solid pivot man, I would run either four-out, one-in or use a high-post blocker, between the elbows, in a Princeton Chin series, emphasizing constant rim-cuts and open 3’s. The shooters would have to be consistent, but the rewards of practice and reps on reps and talent resulting in a 37% three-pt. shooter over a 30% three-pt. shooter is an extra 10.5 pts per 100 possessions per EFG%. That’s 5.25 more points per 50 possessions, which most high school teams reach per-game. An extra 5.25 pts per game will clearly add to your team’s win total.

Being able to isolate on shot location and shot types with results is a telling insight of a player’s shooting. If a shooter can show that he or she is a 43% catch-and-shoot 3pt. uncontested to lightly-contested right side corner shooter (60% EFG), and 40% from the left corner on for example, Baseline Drift shots, as well as a 39% high wing shooter off a Flare Cut, as a college or pro coach I would recruit and build my offense around those stats and actions, and find and put those shooters in spots where they will be most effective.

Using the Player Impact tool, I could also hone in on how the team does when the player is on the floor, including how the player impacts offensive, defense, rebounding, points per possession, team +/-, plus so much more, and add that to the Analytical Profile.

Being able to create an Analytical Profile is another way the Hoopsalytics platform adds value for players, coaches and teams.



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Category: Analytics