
Category: Analytics

  • Free Throw Factor (FTF) Determining Game Outcome

    While watching the Warriors @ Mavericks Game 3 of the WCF last night, two statistics jumped out at me.  First, the Dallas Mavericks did not attempt a 2-point shot outside of the lane until the third quarter, and finished the game with only two mid-range attempts (0-2).  This seems like a foolish strategy to me especially […]

  • Measuring Team Fatigue with the Game Flow Tool

    One of the observations I saw with my team this year is that we were streaky. We had some strong finishes to close a large hole we got ourselves into early in the game. With a relatively thin roster and some injuries, it made time management even more important. Hoopsalytics recently introduced a Game Flow […]

  • The Analytics of No-Middle Defense

      I’ve been intrigued by “no-middle” man-to-man defense since reading about it and watching Jordan Sperber’s video breaking it down. Once you learn to recognize it, you’ll see it used by top defensive college teams like Baylor and Texas Tech, as well as many NBA teams. Rather than traditionally forcing the offensive player to the […]

  • Free Throw Rebound Tendencies

    My coaching mentor, coach Sky Nelson, was always adamant about lining up for free throws defensively in a particular way. He stressed having a player even with the free throw line, on the shooters left, at the three point line. In his 30 year coaching career, he recounted to me losing some games due to […]

  • Measuring Which Basketball Players are the Most Engaged

    Actions speak louder than words, especially when it comes to see who is putting forth the most effort to get better on your team. You can see who is hustling most in practice, but what about off the court? Which players are the most motivated to learn? Hoopsalytics has a way to measure that. From […]

  • Using Adjusted Plus/Minus to Determine Your Most Valuable Player

    When our boys basketball team was informally asked who they thought was the team’s best player, most guessed the two teammates with the highest shot attempts per game.  Statistically, both selections were incorrect.  The most valuable player, in the category most important to the coaching staff, plus/minus, was their center.   Plus/minus is simply the point […]