State Playoffs

There are close to 4,000 high schools in the great state of California, the largest amount in America.  Of those 3,892 schools, 3,162 are public and 730 are private.  Out of that group of those schools, 170 high schools qualify for the California State High School Boys Basketball Tournament.  Statistically, that is less than one half of one percent of school teams, or under 0.05% (0.0436, to be exact).

To extrapolate, of those 3,892 teams, if 12 players were on each team, 46,704 players would have participated this past year; only 2,040 get to play in the state tournament, or again, less than one half of one percent of players.

And for the coaches, 170 out of 3,892 is extraordinary:  less than one percent of 2021-22 California coaches are currently coaching in the State playoffs.  Our hats are off to them and the players and staff for your success.

Now the fun begins.  Divisions 1 thru 5 have a minimum of 30 teams per tournament.  The Open Division has 14 teams, many on Maxpreps USA top 25 list.

I’m blessed and grateful to be participating as an assistant coach on our Varsity staff as we prepare for our first State Playoff game tomorrow night.  The amount of time and energy needed to get to this point will be well worth the effort as the competition heats up.

Being able to acquire and share Game Film is an important aspect this time of year as opponents are random and unknown.  Hoopsalytics offers Game Film acquisition for Scouting Services.  Check it out when you can.  Our Scouting tool allows coaches to analyze games between other teams.

We wish all Playoff coaches and players great skill, luck and success.

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Category: Coach's Diary