Measuring Player Improvement with Trends

Showing improvement in three point shooting.

One of the best ways to motivate basketball players is to illustrate how they are improving. With the Hoopsalytics Trends tool, you are able to show progress in a variety of statistical areas from game to game. The graph above shows how one of our players improved his three-point shooting over the course of the season.

Here’s another example from one of my summer league athletes. We asked Trevor to focus on rebounding, and you can see his improvement:

Within the Trends tool, you can select from about 20 different stats, as well as a per-game or per 32/40 minute rate. In addition, to make the graph smoother, you can select groups of several games as a “rolling average”. So if you chose six games, you’d see points on the graph for games 1-6, then games 2-7, etc.

You can also select Team Trends, as well as individual players.  Here’s a look at some of the options:

This video has even more detail on Trends:

Let us know if you find this tool useful, or if you have suggestions on other ways to measure basketball player growth. We’re always looking for new ideas!


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