Inflating or Deflating the Basketball for an Advantage

under-inflated ball?

As I was researching articles and examples for our new Assist Map feature, I came across a completely stunning basketball hack I never considered: Modifying the inflated PSI pressure of the basketball to suit your team’s strengths. The New England Patriots in 2015 were caught doing this in a “cheating” sort of a way in […] →Read more

Use Rebound Percentage to Determine your Best Rebounder

How do you determine who is your best rebounder? It’s not just the total number of rebounds, or even the number of rebounds averaged over a full game. Other factors such as the shooting percentage of your team versus your opponents can overweight defensive or offensive rebounds. The best way to determine this is by […] →Read more

Basketball Stats in Excel or Google Sheets

After interviewing a lot of basketball coaches, we’ve discovered quite a few who are using Excel or Google Sheets to track stats for their teams. Some of these are quite impressive in their scope and detail. However, given that the primary audience for these stats are youth players who have grown up in the age […] →Read more

AAU Tournament in Reno

Coach Bill and I just returned from being a sponsor at the Memorial Day Weekend AAU Tournament in Reno hosted by JamOnIt.  We met so many people passionate about basketball that it reaffirmed our commitment to bringing high quality analytics to players and coaches of all ages. At our sponsor booth, we demonstrated our Hooplalytics […] →Read more

Determining Player Impact – Accounting for “Coat Tailing”

See howe excluding a player affects the other player's stats

Not all basketball players are created equal. At every level, you will have dominant players who bring up the rest of the team, and weaker players who are not quite on the level of everyone else. When these players are in the game, the other individual player’s team-oriented stats produced will be affected positively or […] →Read more

Free Throw Factor (FTF) Determining Game Outcome

While watching the Warriors @ Mavericks Game 3 of the WCF last night, two statistics jumped out at me.  First, the Dallas Mavericks did not attempt a 2-point shot outside of the lane until the third quarter, and finished the game with only two mid-range attempts (0-2).  This seems like a foolish strategy to me especially […] →Read more

Motivation, Business and Basketball Coaching

As a relatively new (10 year) basketball coach, and a life-long entrepreneur, I’m starting to see parallels between running a successful business, and being a successful basketball coach. Most recently, I attended an offsite for a company I started eight years ago, and was intrigued as one of the board members recounted some of his […] →Read more

Measuring Team Fatigue with the Game Flow Tool

One of the observations I saw with my team this year is that we were streaky. We had some strong finishes to close a large hole we got ourselves into early in the game. With a relatively thin roster and some injuries, it made time management even more important. Hoopsalytics recently introduced a Game Flow […] →Read more

State Playoffs

There are close to 4,000 high schools in the great state of California, the largest amount in America.  Of those 3,892 schools, 3,162 are public and 730 are private.  Out of that group of those schools, 170 high schools qualify for the California State High School Boys Basketball Tournament.  Statistically, that is less than one […] →Read more

The Analytics of No-Middle Defense

  I’ve been intrigued by “no-middle” man-to-man defense since reading about it and watching Jordan Sperber’s video breaking it down. Once you learn to recognize it, you’ll see it used by top defensive college teams like Baylor and Texas Tech, as well as many NBA teams. Rather than traditionally forcing the offensive player to the […] →Read more